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Temple Beth Am NEW Member Application 2024-2025



Adult Applicant A (Primary)
Address, City, State, Zip

Adult Applicant B (Secondary)
Address, City, State, Zip

Child 1

Child 2

Child 3

Child 4



Thank you for being a part of our Temple Beth Am community. Over the years, we have been proud to provide our members with an unparalleled variety and depth of programs and services. This congregation has a tradition since 1955 of keeping our doors open to all those who seek membership, regardless of ability to pay. As our operating costs continue to increase, we hope that this year, all members who are able, will give as generously as possible to ensure our commitment to excellence.

For families who are blessed with over $150,000 annual income,
we invite you to join one of the Committee of 100 Levels.

The Committee of 100 was created many years ago. Its purpose is to make Temple Beth Am membership possible for those unable to pay full dues, and to enhance our programming. The Committee has grown to over 350 families.

Your leadership support is much appreciated and as a small token for your generosity we offer these rewards:
  • The Committee of 100: will be recognized in the Commentator and on the wall in our Sanctuary Lobby.
  • President’s Honor Circle: all of the above plus a Judaica book.
  • Rabbi’s Honor Circle: all of the above plus complimentary attendance to special events.
  • Circle of Blessing: all of the above plus a gift of Judaica chosen by our Clergy plus reserved seating in our sanctuary for the High Holy Days for immediate family members and a reserved parking spot for High Holy Days.
  • Circle of Life: all of the above plus a gift of Judaica chosen by our Clergy plus reserved seating in our sanctuary for the High Holy Days for immediate family members and a reserved parking spot for High Holy Days.
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Please enter Membership amount from Rita here
Add Donation Amount Here

Members who have completed their 2023–2024 financial obligation are invited to renew. Fulfillment of your total membership obligation must be completed in either one, two, quarterly or monthly payments. Congregants who have a challenge in meeting the minimum contribution are encouraged to contact Rita Diaz, Membership Director, at 786.364.9434.
Rita will help each member with confidentiality and care.

Building Maintenance Fund
We ask that all new and returning members make a Building Maintenance Fund contributionin addition to their annual membership commitment. The contribution is fixed at $2,500, payable over a 5-year period (i.e., $500 per year). Payment is not required during the first year of membership but is certainly encouraged if you have the ability to do so. The full amount of your Building Maintenance Fund will be billed in your first year of membership. Payment will be spread out over the subsequent five years of membership. Please enter the amount of your payment in the box below. (If you already have completed your Building Maintenance Fund pledge, please choose option "My Building Maintenance pledge is complete.)
Please Select 1

Payment Options
Add Donation Amount Here

Payment Authorization

Please take this opportunity to tell us "Who You Are"
What are your passions and interests?
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Fri, March 28 2025 28 Adar 5785